Friday, May 12, 2006

Suicide warning issued for young Paxil users

I take no pleasure in saying "I told you so." The fact that Paxil and other antidepressants cause suicide in children has been known by the drug makers for a long, long time. Prescribing antidepressants to children is banned in the UK and several other countries and has been for years. The FDA still hasn't banned it but at least this is a step forward: Suicide warning issued for young Paxil users .

I also want to point out that last year Tom Cruise was attacked again and again by "experts" for saying that these drugs were dangerous. It seems he can now say "I told you so," but he probably won't, there is little pleasure in it when you think of the number of kids who've died due to the criminal negligence of the FDA and the profit hungry lying of the pharmaceutical industry.

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