Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Wikipedia - The Flaw

I use Wikipedia quite a lot, usually to clear up technical terms and concepts related to the computer field and I find it very useful for this purpose. Often someone has come up with a new term for something in my industry and it is not defined anywhere but Wikipedia. This is the place where Wikipedia excels. Areas where facts are facts and there is no real room (or need) for opinion. A widget is a widget and it has a specific definition. However, where Wikipedia falls down is when it allows people to make entries about things that are not so cut and dried. This is the place where opinion and bias can enter in and the area where Wikipedia's flaws really show up. It is time someone at Wikipedia figured out a way to handle this or else they are going to end up being taken to court by someone for defamation. Read this article for an example of what can happen: Wikipedia: It's Online But Is It True?

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