Monday, April 10, 2006

The Dangers of Antidepressant Drugs

This article is a good reference on the dangers of antidepressant drugs such as Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, etc. These drugs are given out mainly by medical doctors who have no clue about how dangerous they are. The article has many links to related articles which expose lies by Eli Lilly, FDA negligence and more. However, I want to point out one big error in the article - linking brain chemistry to depression. There are no physical tests that prove there is such a thing as a chemical imbalance. None, zero, nil, naught, nothing, not-even-one. There are plenty of physical tests that show malfunctions of various organs (especially the thyroid) can cause the symptoms that are called "depression". If your body is not working properly and has no energy because your thyroid is malfunctioning then it's not surprising you're going to feel "depressed". So with that one caveat in mind here is the article: Experts say antidepressant drugs cause suicides instead of preventing them

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