Friday, November 17, 2006

European Governments Violating Human Rights

The Dutch government is the latest European government to propose or pass a law that violates several provisions in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The excuse? "Security." But when you read the article you'll see how completely lame that one is: Dutch government proposes a ban on wearing burqas in public.

Which provisions of the UDHR are violated?
Human Right #2 Don't Discriminate
Human Right #6 You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go
Human Right #7 We're All Equal Before the Law
Human Right #8 Your Human Rights Are Protected By Law
Human Right #11 We're Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty
Human Right #12 The Right to Privacy
Human Right #17 The Right to Your Own Things
Human Right #18 Freedom of Thought
Human Right #19 Freedom of Expression
Human Right #28 A Fair and Free World
Human Right #30 No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights

If the people of Holland feel okay about the proposed law then they should think again. They are giving up their own human rights, not just the rights of some minority that is being demonized. Little by little human rights are being eroded in Europe. It isn't something obvious such as happened in the 1930s in Germany, it is much more insidious, with plenty of excuses and reasons why, but the end product will be the same.

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